Family crest designed by Juline and Chad Hande.


Hande Family HOME










D'Arcy Hande



Dear kinfolk and friends,

I am excited to be able to tell you that after many months of hard work, the new English translation of A CHANGE OF HEART: STEINVARD'S COMEDY by Hallvard H. Hande has been completed. The translation shows that the play has an ageless, even timeless, quality about it, with a wonderful story that will appeal to audiences right up to the modern day. Originally published in Norwegian in 1873, the play was often performed among young people's groups in Norway and Norwegian communities in the United States right up into the early 1900s. In 2005, it was staged in the original dialect by the Vestre Slidre Cultural School in Valdres as part of the community's celebration of the centennial of Norway's independence.

A CHANGE OF HEART is a one-act play set in rural Norway. The plot follows the story of Gunnar Storflat, a conniving, avaricious old farmer, who has plans to secure his daughter Margit's future by marrying her to Anfin, another rich farmer in the district. But Gunnar has a big obstacle in his way: Margit has her heart set on Jon, a young neighbor boy of whom Gunnar disapproves. One Sunday afternoon Gunnar and Anfin decides to put the pressure on and finalize their plans for the arranged marriage. Towards that end, Anfin has hired the help of Thorkel, a sorcerer who tries his mightiest to change the girl's heart away from Jon towards Anfin. But the changes Thorkel conjures up somehow end totally different than anyone expects. In the process some surprising secrets about the main characters are revealed.

The text was translated from the Norwegian by D'Arcy Hande and Marit Løvås (a lifelong resident of Valdres, Norway, where Hallvard wrote the play). Besides containing original music written by Hallvard Hande, the booklet also has new pencil illustrations by young Lydia Sorkness, which are faithful to the costume and home furnishings of the mid-1800s.

The new booklet is 60 pages (4 1/4" X 5 1/2"), softcover, coil bound.

The booklet sells for $13.50 U.S. per copy, plus $3.00 shipping and handling; the CD (non-printable) version is priced at $9.50 U.S. each, plus $3.00 shipping and handling. (Canadians should pay the S & H fees in Canadian dollars.) Please contact me regarding shipping charges for multiple copy orders.

Special "performance package" fees are available to drama groups which may wish to perform the play. Interested groups should contact me for details.

I hope you will consider ordering a copy of A CHANGE OF HEART for your own personal libraries.

D'Arcy Hande
P.O. Box 32040
Erindale Postal Outlet
Saskatoon, SK S7S 1N8

Single Play Book $13.50 + $3.00 Shipping and Handling
PDF non-printable CD version $9.50 U.S. each, plus $3.00 shipping and handling
PERFORMANCE PACKAGE-1 to drama groups who wish to perform the play:

$100.00 U.S. plus $15.00 shipping and handling for 8 booklets.

PERFORMANCE PACKAGE-2 to drama groups who wish to perform the play:

$65.00 U.S. plus $3.00 shipping and handling for 1 CD with permission to print up to 10 hard copies. 

Please allow 3 weeks for delivery. If paid by personal check, allow an additional 2 weeks for the check to clear the bank. Sorry, Credit cards accepted via PayPal only. © 2006 - 2025